No friendship

What happened to your hand?" Chaewon questioned whilst looking up from her meal.

Swallowing down the stir-fried radish that Jinhee fed her, Taehee answered, "Just an accident."

"You, youngsters, need to be more careful," The director voiced out, "This wound of yours might leave a scar judging by how it is bandaged."

Subconsciously, Jinhee tightened her grip around the chopsticks, and she bit her lip hard whilst drowning herself in the sea of self-condemnation. No girl— actually no one for that matter— would be happy with such a nasty scar on her body.

"I don't mind though, Ahjusshi, because this is making my little squirrel feed me willingly with tenderness," Taehee voiced out. The joy she felt could be deciphered from her tone.

Instead of scowling at Taehee, a small smile formed on Jinhee's face. Whether or not Taehee knew it, her words lightened Jinhee's mood up.