Destroy her

"I was well-aware of the fact that Jinkyung's heart did not belong to me. All those kisses, touches weren't for me but for Kim Jaehyun. 

I knew along. However, I still wanted to prove to her how I'm the better man for her. Spoiling herself with riches or whatever she desired for, keeping her protected were basically my attempt to steal her heart.

But all those were pathetic. From the very beginning, I was a puppet to her, someone she could easily manipulate into doing things for without directly mentioning it.

I don't know how I passed away. Was it because of depression or starvation? All I remember is praying for another chance to redo everything before sinking into the eternal darkness," Taeho voiced out, letting out a sigh at the end.

All the emotions were clearly visible in his eyes; It was as if Taeho was not bothering to hide them anymore.