Free will

Pain— that was the only thing Jinhee felt. Sharp pain pierced through her entire body, and Jinhee let out a groan feeling that. The smell of disinfectants of entered into Jinhee's nostrils.

"Are you awake, Jinhee-ah?"

Jinhee heard a familiar voice ask her that, and mustering up her courage, Jinhee slowly attempted to open her eyes.

The bright light hit her eyes, and Jinhee immediately shut close her eyes tightly. Once again, Jinhee opened her eyes gradually, and this time she was successful.

White ceiling was the first thing that she saw, and turning her head slowly, she stared at the direction where the voice came from.

Blinking her eyes multiple times, Jinhee tried to focus her vision. Seated on the chair beside her bed was Han Taehee, and her appearance was all disheveled.

As most of the times, it was Taehee who saved her in her time of need. Looking at Taehee, Jinhee could guess that she hadn't slept the entire night.