No way

Seeing the wheelchair in front of her, Jinhee's eyes widened in horror, and she turned towards Taehee. A smile, which Jinhee deemed to be an evil one, sat on Taehee's face.

'No way I am going to sit on it!'

"Han Taehee, crutches would be perfect for me," Jinhee voiced out, "Using a wheelchair is like going too far."

"No, we can't put strain on that leg of yours," Taehee said— concern could be noticeable in his tone. Nonetheless, Jinhee found that fake.

Staying inside this room, no matter how big it was, for three days made Jinhee feel suffocated, and she wanted to go outside for fresh air.

Using a wheelchair, when she wasn't hurt to that extent, was humiliating for Jinhee. Nonetheless, Taehee was adamant on getting Jinhee on a wheelchair.

"My leg isn't broken Taehee. I can perfectly walk with clutches," Jinhee vocalised, "It is just sprained."