Steal the key

Sitting down on the bed, Jinhee stared at the ceiling whilst lost in thoughts. Taehee was going to come in few hours, and then, Jinhee could go back to the dorms.

Due to this incident, she had missed a week's worth of lessons, and it would be difficult for her to catch up on them.

Jinhee sighed.

That's when, her phone rang. Turning to her left, Jinhee took the phone with her left hand and received the call after checking the caller's ID. The call was from Lee Dowon.

Seeing the name bought a smile on Jinhee's face, and she spoke out, "Grandpa Dowon, how are you doing?"

"I could've done better if it weren't for you!" Lee Dowon yelled out in the phone, and due to how loud his voice was, Jinhee had to hold the phone at a distance from her ear.

"What's the matter, Grandpa Dowon?" Jinhee questioned in a soft voice— afraid of angering Lee Dowon further.

'Could it be that he had found about this incident?'