Such a hurry

"Are you not going to answer this one properly as well?" Lee Jinhee questioned— staring at Han Taehee with a bored expression.

"Certainly not," Taehee voiced out, "It's just that Taeho doesn't like school and his health is weak."

Taehee shrugged her shoulders.

"Since he is the CEO at such a young age, I'm pretty sure he doesn't need to study," Lee Jinhee voiced out, "After all, he is smarter than you."

"That's not true!" Taehee stated, "I'm actually the smarter one, and the reason he is the CEO is because I'm busy chasing after you. But if you'd prefer me if I was the CEO, then I'll go and become the CEO."

"The business will go bankrupt then." 

Jinhee stuck her tongue out at Han Taehee childishly.

"I guess you don't know, but Han Taeho gets all his ideas from me. I'm kind of like his mentor," Taehee boasted.

"You are going to have an extremely long nose sooner or later. I have a firm belief on that," Jinhee expressed.