Beat up

For hours, Lee Jinhee laid down on the same place in her bed, thinking about the matter from earlier. Even after hours, she couldn't muster up enough energy to face Han Taehee.

The sound of her phone ringing distracted her attention, and searching around on her bed with her left hand— as she kept on staring at the ceiling— Jinhee let out a sigh.

She wasn't in a mood to talk to anyone.

Finding her phone, she picked it up with her left hand and bought it up to her face. Han Taeho's name was written on the screen.

Jinhee had an idea regarding why he would be calling her. Receiving the call, Jinhee put the phone down on her bed.

"So, you know about it now," Han Taeho stated from other side.

Knowing what he was referring to, Jinhee answered, "Hmm."

"You must be shocked, right?"

"Hmm," Jinhee replied. She had no idea on what to say other than this.

"Well, since Taehee pestered me to call you—"