Intense eating session

'It's all for the sake of your pride. You can't give up that easily. If you try to argue against him, you'll be the one losing, so quietly eat the cake and go to sleep. Lock the room before that and stay inside the room as long as you can.'

Lee Jinhee repeated the same sentences over and over again inside her mind whilst she painfully ate the fifth slice of the cake. Three more slices were left, and Lee Jinhee could see her consciousness fading away.

No matter how delicious the food was, Lee Jinhee wasn't someone who overate usually, and the taste of the cake was starting to get nauseating with each bite. Any minute now, she will have to rush to the bathroom to throw it all up.

Watching Han Taehyun's amused face whilst she tried to eat the cake made Lee Jinhee irritated. Nonetheless, she was too tired to glare at him at this moment.

'A pervert! A creep! And a sadist! All of this was what Han Taehyun is!'