Third Window

"Talk with Jinhee-ah? Sure, but I hope you wouldn't mind waiting. Jinhee-ah was awake the entire night and just fell asleep an hour ago," Taehyun said.

'It's okay! It's okay! But can I enter now? Move away from in front of the door so that I can actually step in!'

The afternoon heat was starting to get unbearable for Lee Jinkyung, and if she had to stand under it for a few more moments, either she would be fainting or suffer from heatstroke. However, she couldn't forcefully enter into the mansion either.

"I have no problem with that," Jinkyung answered.

"Was it hard for you find this place though? The guests usually found it hard to arrive at this place," Han Taehyun spoke out.

Lee Jinkyung's suffering at this moment was not something Taehyun was oblivious to, and a hint of satisfaction could be noticed in his eyes at a closer observation.