Worst state

Jinhee walked into the cafeteria. Everyone was having food on their own, and Lee Jinhee felt lonely. Her only friend, Han Taehee, was called by the teacher, and her boyfriend, Kim Jaehyun, took a day off of school on that day.

When Jinhee was about to find an empty seat to sit at, she heard someone call out her name. Raising her head, Jinhee turned towards the direction of the voice.

Kwon Youngmi was the one calling her. Youngmi joined their school today. Because she was the President's daughter— coupled with the fact that she looked cute— she did not have a hard time making couple of friends.

"Jinhee-ah! Are you alone? You can come and sit with me!" Youngmi voiced out— a friendly and harmless smile sitting on her face.

Happiness brewed up within Lee Jinhee at that moment. Not many of her classmates interacted with her, and due to her sister, she was usually bullied by few of her schoolmates.

Lee Jinhee nodded.