No other option

Lee Yeonwoo's hands trembled as she stared at Jinhee in front of her, and her countenance visibly paled. Her heart palpitated rapidly in her chest, and nervousness brewed within her. Her eyes clearly showed how frightened she was at this moment.

"M-Min Hyunbin? Ah! Yeah, I have heard about him from my fellow classmates," Yeonwoo answered whilst trying her best to force out a smile on her face.

Taehyun waved his hands at the other waiters and waitresses, and understanding what Taehyun was trying to indicate, all of them bowed. Nodding, they walked away from the scene despite being curious.

"Well, can you take a seat, Yeonwoo-ssi? I have a few questions for you," Jinhee vocalised.

With her shivering hands, Yeonwoo pulled back the chair whilst trying her best to maintain a composed expression. Sitting upon the chair, Yeonwoo fidgeted with her fingers.