Claw Crane

Staring at the claw crane in front of her, Lee Jinhee rolled up the sleeves of her sweatshirt. Her wrist had become better, and currently, she was able to play the game.

"Go first, Jinhee-ah! Let's see who can capture the most bunnies, alright?" Taehyun vocalised.

At the other side of the glass were various coloured bunnies— each looking more adorable than the other. Lee Jinhee stared at each one of them, unable to choose which one she should target first.

The glass had blue and green neon lights around it. Brightly coloured bunnies and butterflies decorated the stand, making it look aesthetic to one's eyes.

Seeing the lavender bunny, Lee Jinhee decided to make it her target as it appeared to be the easiest one to get. Pressing on the button, Jinhee watched the claw go down, and as it moved closer to the lavender bunny, Jinhee's eyes sharpened. In her mind, Jinhee desperately prayed that she will be able to catch it.