Push and pull

Hearing Taehyun's sudden outburst of feeling, Jinhee was shocked. She did not know how to react to his feelings or do at this moment. The entire time, she had been thinking of herself.

She never put Taehyun or how he felt towards her into consideration. Everything seemed so natural to her that she treated it all normally. She did not think of what to do with his feelings towards her.

Even when she rejected him, she went back to him again, and in a way, maybe she was being cruel to him. She never put a clear boundary between the two of them. She regarded Taehyun as hers without bothering about his feelings.

At the end of the day, Taehyun was a human, and he could get insecure as well. Taking in a deep breath, she decided to be honest with him. After everything he did for her, this was at least something he deserved.

"Taehyun, I am confused. That's the only thing I can say to you at this moment," Jinhee said— her voice showing her frustration.