Bear that

After Han Taehyun was done freshening up, Lee Jinhee patted her empty stomach and stepped towards the direction of the door. She missed the taste of Taehyun's food. Although his cooking wasn't the best, it had a flavour which Jinhee had grown addicted to.

Pulling the door open, she walked towards the hallway as Taehyun followed after her and noticed that no one was around. None of the members of the Lee family could be seen in sight, making her wonder about what kind of drama they were about to start.

Jinhee sighed. She should enjoy the peace for as long as she could.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Taehyun questioned.

"Thinking about where those annoying family members of mine were and why wasn't I called for breakfast despite Grandfather Dowon being here? There is something suspicious about it, and it seems that all the maids have been dismissed," Jinhee voiced out.