Not original

Sitting at a bakery, Jinhee took a sip out of the smoothie whilst she stared at the paper before her. Twirling the pencil in her hand, Jinhee looked for areas in the drawing she could make improvements in.

Kim Jaehyun wanted to meet up with her for dinner, and as Taehyun wouldn't be back before dinner, Jinhee had no interest in going to the Lee Mansion. 

This was her third glass of smoothie, and staring at paper in front of her, she was clueless so far. Biting her lower lip, she decided to make few changes with skirt.

Her design wasn't completely original. It was a piece of Hyunki, which went trending in her last life, and she purely made some changes to it in order to make it seem like something that belonged to an amateur.

Jinhee had to fix her drawing lines at few points and decided to work on them. Being afraid that Taehyun would be suspicious from her design, she decided to do it when Taehyun isn't around her— a time like this.