Already done

"Youngmi-ssi, the damage is already done, and nothing you say will lessen it. Do you know how it feels to be accused of being a thief?" Jinhee voiced out— her voice showing disapproval.

Youngmi bowed again and said, "Jinhee-ssi, I am really sorry. I knew you would not have done such a thing; I am really sorry I couldn't stop Minji Unnie."

Taking in a deep breath, Jinhee answered, "I accept your apology, Youngmi-ssi, since you're not at fault."

Then turning towards Minji, Jinhee pointed her finger towards her and said, "However, I want her to bow to me and apologise. After all, she had done and attacked my reputation, this is the least she could do."

Hearing those words from Jinhee's mouth made Minji's eyes widen, and although she was in the wrong, Minji wasn't willing to bow to Jinhee or apologize to her.