Perfect prince

Watching Min Hyunbin step into the room, Lee Jinhee waved her hand towards him whilst a wide smile sat upon her face. 

Noticing the annoyed expression on Min Hyunbin's face, she couldn't help but let out a chuckle. Ruffling his hair, Hyunbin walked into the classroom.

Knowing the culprit behind this, Hyunbin glowered towards Jinhee. He did not want to give the exams. However, now, because of her, there was a great chance of him not having that option.

Nevertheless, even though he was displeased with how things turned out, he felt warmth spread through his heart at Jinhee. After all, she was one of those rare people who truly cared about him.

Due to the exams, gaps were kept between the desks, and stomping over to his seat, Min Hyunbin slammed down his bag on to the table.

His presence here attracted the eyes of many, and as they continued to stare upon him, Hyunbin noticed it. Looking towards them, Hyunbin shot each one of them a glare.