Nice to see you

As Han Taehyun entered into her room, Lee Jinhee raised her head from the notebooks she was looking at, and smiling towards Han Taehyun, she vocalised, "Teacher, you're late today. I need a refund."

Han Taehyun chuckled and voiced out, "Student Jinhee, since a kiss is your payment, should I kiss you to refund you?"

Scrunching up her nose, Jinhee questioned, "When did I agree to being that being my payment?"

Han Taehyun shrugged his shoulders and stated, "Student Jinhee, your opinions doesn't matter. As your teacher, I get to decide the payment system."

"That's a wrong logic, but whatever. You are the one who would not receive any payments in the end," Jinhee said.

Taehyun nodded and vocalised, "Sure, you can say that now, but when I seduce you later on, then you will be giving up within a matter of seconds."