You Fool

Before the truck driver could slam the rurck against the car again, sounds from the police car could be heard, alarming the driver, from both the sides, and caught in between two, the driver was now confused on where to go.

Clearly hearing the noise, Jinhee let herself drift off to her Dreamland regardless of how difficult it was due to the pain in her body. One slight move was enough to make her wince.

Wearing the footsteps, Jinhee understood that the police had gone down their cars, and that was the last thing she had heard before going to sleep. 

The police had made their way out of the car whilst a serious expression sat upon their faces. Someone had reported to them on an accident occuring on this road, and seeing the current state of the accident, they noticed that it was not an accident rather than intentional attempt.

One of the police shouted, "Call the ambulance quickly; It is an emergency."