Victim's slave

"You look like a joke at this moment," Jinhee mumbled as she stared at herself in the mirror.

A sigh left her mouth as she felt the wet sensation upon her body, and coupled with the flour, she knew that this was showing to be a sticky mess. Jinhee was desperate to wash this off of her.

Shaking her head, she walked towards the door, and extending her hand at the door, she banged her hand on the door, creating loud sound in order to not raise any suspicion within Youngmi.

"Help! Help! Someone really help! It is extremely cold here, and I am seriously close to fainting! Help me! This is really scary!" 

Jinhee continued to repeat the same words. She had no idea on whether or not those person were gone, and therefore, she had no idea on when to stop her call from help.