So clumsy

As both of them walked into the school building, Taehyun held on to Jinhee's hand tightly and intertwined both of their hands together. Since it was not uncommon for two girls to walk like this, no one commented much about.

Jinhee could see how Taehyun was being protective over her and keeping an eye on everything around them. After what had occured yesterday, Taehyun did not want one more injury to be inflicted upon Jinhee.

"Soyeon is supposed to be my bodyguard, Taehyun-ah," Jinhee whispered to him.

"I am better at this than her. After—"

Before Taehyun could say something, his eyes spotted something, and gripping Jinhee's wrist, he pulled Jinhee's body closer to him. His sudden action made Jinhee's eyes wider, and her head touched his chest.

Raising her head, Jinhee eyes stared at Taehyun's face and gave him an confused gaze. Everyone passing by the hallway had their eyes on the two.