Mean Girlfriend

Seeing Han Taehyun wipe his face after walking out of the washroom, Jinhee laughed and said, "That was funny. You have to admit that."

"No, that was not at all funny, but Jinhee-ah, I will truly show you what is funny if you keep this up," Taehyun threatened in a light-hearted manner.

After she had slammed that ice-cream on top of Taehyun's face, it dripped down his entire face, and she could see that he was entirely shocked. 

The next thing he did was run off to the girl's washroom, and the sight was something she will be forever remembering. After all, she did not get to see Taehyun in such a state on a regular basis.

Jinhee scoffed and stated, "Han Taehyun, this is just the beginning. I am planning to humiliate you more in the future. After Jinkyung will be over, you will be my target, so be ready for that."