
Reading the expression on Lee Jinhee's face, Taehyun moved closer to Jinhee and took a seat beside her. Then, extending his hand towards her, he placed his palm on top of her hand.

"Do whatever you want to do. If you go over to stay with them, I am pretty sure that the Min Family will be more than happy. I am sure you much they dote on you," Taehyun said, "I really want you to be somewhere you will be happy at."

Lee Jinhee extended her hands towards Taehyun and pulled him into a tight hug. Jinhee had no idea on how Taehyun was able to make her feel secure, but he truly had the ability to do so.

"Wouldn't that be considered too rude? I really don't want to barge into their personal space," Jinhee vocalized.

"They would not think that way, trust me, Jinhee-ah," Taehyun voiced out, "And you are always welcomed to stay with me if you are uncomfortable."