As a price

Lee Jinhee's body trembled at that moment, and she had no clue on how to compose herself. The entire situation had left her frightened, and her knees were close to giving out.

Hearing that Taehyun was in coma was not something she could endure, and all the thoughts how he tricked her the entire time was wiped away from her mind. That was not her concern any longer.

Extending her hand towards Jinhee, the nurse held Jinhee's shoulders and vocalised, "Compose yourself, Miss. This is not good for your health. The hit you have received was not light—"

"THAT DOESN'T MATTER! My health shouldn't be the concern now! He is at the coma currently! How could that even be possible? He was just with me couple of hours ago. How is this even possible? Where is he at this moment? I-I c-can't believe this," Jinhee vocalised.

"He is at a room currently, Miss, and you have to rest now. After a while, you can go and visit him," The Nurse voiced out.