Lovely kids

Feeling someone hug her from behind, Jinhee raised her head and saw a familiar face. Han Taehyun flashed a wide smile towards her.

"Han Taehyun," she enunciated.

Unwrapping his hands around Jinhee, he walked to stand beside her, and while picking up her cup from the table, he vocalised, "I was just gone for a month yet you have become so dull and skinny in that short period of time. What happened?"

As he drank down the contents in the cup, Jinhee voiced out, "Hey! I wanted to drink that!"

After he finished drinking the tea, he placed the cup down on the table, and extending his hand towards Jinhee, he pinched her nose softly.

He then vocalized, "Don't pout over tea. I have come from far to see you after a long time, you owe me more than a tea."

Then, sitting beside Jinhee, he looked towards her and questioned, "So, what happened during the time I was gone?"