So noisy

Sitting on top of the roof, Lee Jinhee and Han Taehyun both had a wide smile on their face. There was a small hole made on the roof, and while looking down from it, Jinhee observed the scene inside the room beneath her.

The room appeared to be someone's bedroom, and laying on top of the bed a young girl was sleeping. Lee Jinkyung was peacefully sleeping while her maid dozed off on the floor beside her.

At that moment, the sound of rustling and footsteps was heard in room coupled with animalistic growls, causing Jinkyung to wake up due to the sudden noise.

"Why is it so noisy?" Jinkyung voiced out as she sat up on her bed.

A yawn left her mouth as the blanket fell off of her bed, and as she looked down, she saw that her Maid had fallen asleep beside her bed. An annoyed expression immediately settled on her face.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Wake up!" she yelled at the Maid.