Beaten up

When Lee Jinhee had exited Han Taehyun's room, she wanted some time to herself and peace. Her mind was too troubled now, and she required some fresh air to calm herself completely down.

She felt as if her heart was violently squeezed by something in her chest, and it felt as if her lungs were being squished, making it difficult for her to breath.

Regardless of how much she wanted to hold back those years of hers back, it was not possible for her to accomplish that. They stung at her eyes, fighting to escape her eyes.

Lee Jinhee found herself being a fish our of the water, trying her best to fight for oxygen, and knowing that she would not be able to bear going out at this moment, she sat down on the closest seat outside of Taehyun's room.

Before Han Taehyun's room was few bodyguards standing, and seeing that they were professional and did not stare at Jinhee, she found herself being grateful towards them.