Be more positive

Hearing those words from the doctor made Lee Jinhee feel as if her world had collapsed, and her hand began to tremble.

Lee Jinhee was about to enter into Han Taehyun's room and opened the door slightly when she heard the doctor talk to Han Jihye, Taehyun's mother.

"Han Taehyun's condition is getting worse, and about his chances of recovering, it is getting lower. I think you have to start considering all the possibilities at this point, and the possiblity of him waking up is decreasing. I am sorry at this moment there is nothing else that I am able to do," the doctor voiced out.

Lee Jinhee shook her head; she was not willing to believe that. It could not be the truth. How could Han Taehyun's situation worsen?

All of this was too much for Jinhee, and maybe she was being a coward, but Jinhee was not willing to accept all that.