If you utter

A month had passed until Han Taehyun had been in coma. Things had not been easy for Jinhee, and as days passed by, her condition worsened.

Over the month, she had a lost a large amount of weight, and she had become paler. Jinhee's eyes had become dull, and she barely paid attention to her surroundings anymore.

Lee Jinkyung had stopped attending school due to how intense the bullying had become, and with their source of income decreasing, Jinkyung continued her studies at somewhere less expensive.

Jinhee currently resided at the Min Mansion, and she was grateful to her father for allowing her to stay there. Lee Mansion was definitely a place she wanted to avoid.

Over this period of time, Min Hyunbin had grown to become more sensible, and rarely he irritated Jinhee. 

Everyone around Lee Jinhee was getting worried for the girl, and as much as they had advised her to take of her health first, she did not pay much heed to it.