(His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam has delivered almost 20,000 hours of recorded talks till date. As part of the talks, He shares simple small stories that give powerful cognitive shifts to the listener. Following is one such story.)
When we believe that the mind is just a thing, a bio-machine, we have created hell for ourselves. Fortunately for us, the mind is not a thing. There is hope. The truth is that mind is not a thing as we all have been taught, it is a process. It is not a noun but a verb.
When we believe the mind is a thing, we create problems that do not exist.
A small story:
A man goes to a psychiatric doctor and says, 'Doctor, my life is full of problems'.
The doctor says, 'Everybody's life is a problem. Don't worry. Every week we will have three
sessions and you will be charged 100 dollars.'
The man says, 'Doctor, three sessions per week each at hundred dollars will solve your problem. What about my problem!'
Understand, the moment we start believing that the mind is only a machine, we become Helpless. No psychiatrist can help. No psychoanalyst can help. No other method can help, because the basic belief is wrong.
The moment we bring a wrong belief, whatever is built on that has to go wrong. It cannot be the truth. We need to understand the basic truth that the mind is a process; we are not in tension but we are tension.
Identity gap
The identity that you project to the outer world is called ahankar*. The identity that you believe as you internally is called mamakar* . Again and again vedic psychology says that you are beyond
these two. You are not just these two. According to Western psychology you are just these two. That is why so much of work is done to protect your identity. So much of attention and energy is given to hold on to your identity. The reality, the real you, is much more than these two identities. You are beyond these two identities.
Above all, you need to understand that your mind is not a machine. It is not connected as you think. Because you do not experience the gap between two thoughts, you start believing it is connected. You go on repeating that you are disturbed and tensed. No. You are not disturbed. You are a disturbance. You need to understand the basic root where the problem starts, where the problem is
created. The first basic root is you believing yourself to be a shaft or a thing. You are not a thing. Your idea about pleasure, your idea about pain, your idea about life everything is built on that one lie, that you are a thing.