
Inside the party

Tulip is done with the family drama and women giving her mean. She move towards the bar and order Margareta. Suddenly a figure appear beside her.

"You again" annoyance spread on Tulip face.

Gemini smirk "Long time no see babe"

Tulip roll her eyes "my name is not babe...it's Tulip and if you are here to flirt so please spare me ....I'm not interested in you....and for any reason if you think I will sleep with you tsk tsk think again your balls won't able to produce babies in the future"

Behind them the bartender cough he never saw any woman talking so boldly.

Gemini chuckle "I just wanted ask you for the dance ...one dance wouldn't do anything ....or is it I think you scared that you will fall for me"

Tulip raise her one eyebrow " nice tricks to provoke me.... sure why not anyway I'm getting bored"

Both of went to dance floor. Tulip put her hand on his shoulder and he on her back "don't try move your hand down" Tulip said.

Gemini grin "You can trust me I'm a gentleman"

"So how come you invited to this party" Tulip ask.

"Well I'm Sol cousin" Gemini said

"Now I see....narcissism runs in the family" Tulip roll her eyes.

Gemini chuckle "You could say that"

Unaware of them someone throwing daggers at them. Sol don't know why but Seeing Tulip with other man makes his mood worse. No other woman ignore him the way she does and it's a huge blow to his ego but somewhere in his heart he admire her for where she stand today. Not only a famous makeup artist but a good mother as well.

Beside him Natasha ask him for dance he accepted her and take her to dance floor. Even though he is dancing with Natasha but he couldn't help but keep glancing at Tulip and Gemini. He saw Gemini saying on which Tulip laugh. A rage boil inside him why it's with him Tulip can't talk politely but with Gemini she laugh. Suddenly after few minutes of dancing the theme changes where one partner dance with different partner. Soon Tulip get into arms of Sol unconsciously Sol arms tighten around her waist.

Tulip narrow her eyes at him "God must hate me that everytime I have to see your face"

Sol glare at her "Well darling from now onwards you are going to see my face a lot more" saying that he twirl her then roughly push her towards him, they are so close that no air could pass between them.

Tulip heart tremble for a minute. Her breath tighten with the closeness between her and Sol. Her mind become blank suddenly she loss of words all she could is push him away. She excuse herself and went to her room. Her body is still trembling "damn it Tulip control yourself don't get effected by him all this years you have grip on your emotions don't let it crumble".

Inside the party Natasha saw the event that take between Sol and Tulip she sneer inside. I won't let you snatch him from me she thought.


Tulip don't want to think about Sol so called Lily to know about the her divorce.

Lily didn't expected that Tulip would call her afterall she is on vacation but somewhere inside her heart she is glad that Tulip call her. She pick up the call.

" Hi Tulip I didn't expected you would call me afterall you should enjoy your vacation " Lily said.

Tulip sign "what vacation here unnecessary drama is enfolding .....anyway you tell me what happen about your divorce"

Lily couldn't control her tears she told everything to Tulip.

Tulip couldn't believe that Lily parents doesn't support and rather cut off their ties but again it's not like the same didn't happened with her. After all apart from her grandpa and little bun she have no one but Lily case is more worse atleast she have her grandpa But Lily have no one.

"What!!!!! that bastard ....Lily calm down I'm coming to you ...and Lily always remember you are strong Lily..... man like Zachary couldn't handle strong woman ...they feel threaten.....Lily we all worth it" Tulip felt disgust over Zachary.

"but Tulip how can you suddenly come here leavi--" before Lily could say anything Tulip interrupted her.

"It's not like people welcome me here except Sol parents and even all they want is to spent time with little bun....so Lily even with all this people I'm still an unwanted guest" Tulip said with a sad smile.

Outside Sol is standing. He didn't know why he come but after Tulip push him away he feel like giving her an explanation. As he reached her room he couldn't help but hear hee conversation from outside of her room an uneasy feeling come inside him. Did he really misjudge her.

Lily is glad that Tulip called her after telling her everything she feels her heart lighten after don't know after how long she feels that could depend on someone. Someone who could understand her.