why God why!!!!

The next round of competition begins.

Host: "Welcome to the next round of the competition. Today challenge will be the your own signature desert. There is a few ingredients placed infront of you all. And with that limited ingredients you all have to create your own signature desert. I hope everything is clear. So Good luck"

The competition begins. Time is ticking as the people started to eliminate in each round the competition is becoming more tough. All the contestants start preparing the desert.





"5....4...3....2....1.....everyone leave your dish...time's up"

Host : "Today there will be one surprise for the winner. But first let me introduce you to one of our sponsor Mr Leonard Marshall who is one of the famous bachelor and known for King of business world. At the age of 30 he owns several restaurants, clubs, shopping mall and several other business. Today whoever win this round his/her desert will be listed in his restaurant and get a chance to work for him for a year."

"Hello everyone. I look forward to work with one you" Leonard said with no emotion on his face looking at everyone but his glance lingering more on Lily. Host smile stiffen hearing him say no more no less. Leonard known for his less talk and overbearing personality.

The jury members, host, people of crew even the maker of this show got a shock of lifetime when Leonard personally gave a call of his arrival in middle of show. But no one dares to say anything. Leonard is the last person anyone wants to anger. His wrath is well known in the city and across.

Lily never in her 22 years life would have thought something like would turn up. Looking at his gaze a shiver run down her spine. Therefore she choose to ignore his gaze. But with the Corner of her eyes she observe him. Unlike the business tycoon who choose to wear business suits he have his own unique style with those long hair tied in ponytail. He is wearing a jeans with dark t shirt and over it a jacket and accessories. But with his bulky body this go really well with his style.

Host : "let's start with the testing"

One by one each contestants come with their signature dish. It's Lily turns now.

Jury member 1 "So what you have prepared for us"

Lily greeted everyone "I have prepare a simple vanilla raspberry cake"

Jury member 2 politely smile "I doubt it will be anything but simple"

Lily give him a polite smile. They tasted her desert.

"Your base is really smooth. I can taste the tinge of flavour coming from raspberry.... what do you think Mr Marshall" one of the jury member said.

Leonard look at Lily "Very smooth" .

Lily sharpen her eyes on him...looking at him it seems like he is talking about anything but food.

Leonard clearly understood what is going inside her brain and smirk at her.

Host "So I have the results in my hand and the winner of this round is ......Albert.....congratulations Albert"

There is a tinge of gladness inside Lily as she don't want to face him but yet a sadness of not getting the opportunity.

Suddenly the host interrupted "But apart from Albert there is one more person who is also going to get to work with Mr Marshall..... actually it's Mr Marshall who suggested the name he kind of impressed by the taste that a simple dish... I guess everyone could guess it who I'm referring to........ Lily congratulations"

Lily freeze she didn't saw that coming. Lily look at Leonard, he smirk as if saying this is going to be interesting.

Lily curse...Why God....why!!!!!!!!!!