visiting office

Lot of things changes between Lily and Leonard. Things became better between them, it's been more than half a month in their marriage. Living with Leonard is a lot different than living with Zachary. Living with Leonard life is more in discipline, even with his carefree nature of not going with the rules there certain things that can't be compromise. Like health, work and security. Leonard become very transparent about his work with Lily.

He showed his line of work and the danger that came with his line of work. He showed her his dark side of business that his connection in underworld. The reason was not to scare her but to show her what she will be dealing with in future by choosing him.

Leonard owned a powerful and dangerous gang in the underworld name eagle. He takes Lily to his one of the hideout of his gang. In the underworld people only know the name of the gang. It's been said that 'you are lucky that you didn't encounter with eagle' many fear to associate with eagle but Leonard needed that fear amongst the other gangs in underworld since he is not alone, now he have Lily in his life.

"I just want you to see what you will be dealing with in the future Lily. I'm not a honourable man, I have done many bad things Lily. Life won't be easy staying with me." Leonard said not looking at Lily. He is afraid to see the disgust for him in her eyes.

Lily look at Leonard who is refusing to look at her "Do you smuggle drugs"

Leonard look at Lily hearing her question "No"

"Are you into human trafficking"


"Do you smuggle drugs"


"Do you kill innocent people"


"Cool" Lily said looking around the place.


Lily move her face to look at Leonard who hasn't remove his eyes from her. Waiting for her reaction, Lily sweetly smile at him "I feel like I'm part of some thriller movie"


Receiving no emotion from Leonard, Lily cough in embarrassment getting all serious "You know when the two people get married they vow that in hard times or good times, poor or rich in every situation they will support each other. Now you deny all the three things I'm afraid of, I'm relieved. And more importantly I said I want to give us a chance so stop finding ways to push me away."

Leonard didn't express or say anything but his eyes tell her everything. His eyes become gentle, taking her in his embrace and placing a kiss on her forehead.

The men around them blink several times not believing what their eyes saw. Did there boss became gentle towards a woman. James and Scott glare at them "She is your boss wife. If you don't want your eyes pluck put it's better remove your gaze!". They remove their eyes gulping but they get another shock hearing their boss marriage. James and Scott on the other hand don't know whether to love or cry. Even though the moment is sweet and teary but seeing dog food for so long is worse then getting punishment but then again can't say anything.

After that day Lily made several changes inside their home. After that maid infatuation episode which became a big headache for Lily. Lily decided to change most of the staff keeping few like aunt jenny as she has been working for very long and recently not troubling her. Lily hire only few maids that's necessary. Lily does the cooking part as she doesn't have much to do. Everyday she prepare something healthy and tasty for Leonard lunch which driver delivers to office. And just one day she got the idea of open her food blog where she posted her own unique recipes.

It was yet another day Lily is feeling bored at home. She prepared lunch for Leonard but this time she thought of surprising him by delivery his lunch by herself. Well it just an excuse she is bored and just wanted to see people around her husband 'just say women around your husband' *her inner thought say rolling her eyes*.


At Marshall tech.

Lily enters the office and walk towards the reception. People around her give her a curious look. The only woman they saw asking to meet their boss is Miss Sasha. Many people around the office believe that miss Sasha will future wife of Leonard Marshall since she is the only one who would able to stick with him for long time.

"I thought Miss Sasha is the only woman in boss life. Now seeing a new woman I don't know what to think." someone whisper

Receptionist look at Lily blankly "Miss do you have appointment with Mr Marshall".

"No" Lily said

"I'm sorry ma'am I can't allow you to meet Mr Marshall without appointment" receptionist professionally said. Then her eyes fall on the lunch box assuming Lily as a maid she said "You can keep the lunch box here I will send it to Mr Marshall."

Lily sigh, she the dial Leonard number. After two ring he receive the call "Hey!" he said it's a first time Lily called him on her own it usually text that exchange between them.

"Are you busy" lily said.

"Umm...yeah at the meeting.. why" Leonard said looking at his watch seeing it's almost lunch time.

"Oh I thought since it's your lunch time you will be free. Anyway I place your lunch box at reception, eat it on time"

"You are here?" Leonard asked in a surprise.

"Yeah.." Lily said awkwardly feeling everyone stare on her.

"Stay there I'm sending James" with that line ended.

Soon James come with a welcome smile he takes Lily to Leonard floor. Seeing the back of two people many whisper spread between the employees.

She look at James as they wait outside the meeting room "By the way James who is Sasha"

James freeze thinking what answer to give. Sweat breakout from his forehead receiving intense stair from Madam boss. Before he could say something the door of meeting room open.

Seeing Leonard walking out Lily walk towards him. After him a man in late forties came out but what she doesn't expected is to see him walking out of room.
