Life isn't fair (part 2)

Are you cheating on me" a deep voice said breaking their hug.

Tulip gasp looking at disheveled appearance of Sol.

"Hey dude chill" Liam said creating distance between them.

Sol nostril snarl in anger seeing Liam so to Tulip. He roughly grab his collar "Look pretty face fuck off SHE IS MINE" he shouted in jealousy.

Liam snorted "pretty face.....I don't know should I be offended or take it as a compliment but dude you are drunk so better leave."

Sol eyes turn completely red, he raise his fist to punch his jaw.

"Stop" Tulip stand before Liam to stop Sol.

"You are protecting him. Who is he to you? I will kill him. I will remove anyone who will come in between us." Sol angrily said and launch at Liam. Tulip grab Sol body blocking him from Liam "Liam leave I will handle it" she said looking at Liam.

Liam hesitate. Looking at his hesitation Sol narrow his eyes "Why are you hesitating? do you think I will hurt my Tulip.... Leave as she is saying" Sol howl angrily.

"It's okay Liam you will be late" Tulip said looking at Liam. Seeing her reassure smile Liam nodded and left her place.

"Don't smile at him. Don't show your smile to any man" Sol said scowling at Tulip.

Tulip turn her head to Sol who is holding her waist. Her nose hit with the heavy alcohol smell coming from him "What the hell is wrong with you...what are you doing here.... drunk?" Tulip asked while raising her left eye brow.

Sol seldom expression turns to grin "Tulip I missed you" he happily said while hugging her.

Tulip body freeze because of sudden hug, after a minute her brain register what's happening. She push his body away "Sol leave me! you are hugging me too tightly" she angrily said.

"Tulip please don't be angry. Let me hug you for a minute. After all it's been a shitty day" Sol softly mumble the last part while patting her hair softly.

Tulip lossen her hands which were trying to push him away after hearing his tired voice.

Sol break the hug after 10 minutes and cup her face, he look at her intensely "You are so beautiful Tulip. Heck I must be blind leaving you 6 years ago. I regretted it so much. Please Tulip give us the chance." Sol vulnerably said.

Tulip breath hitched hearing his vulnerable voice. She meet his intense gaze "There was never us Sol." she said and remove his hands from her face.

Sol suddenly kneel down and wrap his hands around her waist "There was always us. You are always meant to be mine. Destiny had put us together. You gave birth to my child. The only person you will marry is me. With only children you will carry will be mine. Whatever you want to do, you will do it with me like partners." he declared possessively.

Tulip heart stir hearing his declare but somewhere in that corner of her heart she scared. Scared of happiness, of betrayals, of being left alone, being left vulnerable "You are drunk Sol." she firmly said.

"Drunk men words are sober man thoughts Tulip." Sol said not leaving his grip around her waist.

Tulip didn't said anything. Sol intently look up at Tulip. Seeing her blank expression he sigh and stood up on his feet. He look at her and hold both of hands "You don't have to say anything. Just let me do the work to change your heart. Just let me love you ....please" he said, his gaze intensely looking at her.

Tulip gulp looking at his intense gaze as if it is looking at her soul "You are drunk" she said while taking a step back.

"I'm not drunk." Sol said expressionless.

"Yes you are" taking a step back again.

"I'm not"

"You are" again taking a step back.

"I'm not and stop running away from me" Sol groan and tighten his grip around her hand, not letting her slip from his grasp.

"Who is running away? It's my house. Why will I run?" Tulip said accusingly looking at him.

"Yes you are"

"I'm not"

"You are"

"I'm n----" before she could finish her sentence, Sol shut her up by his lips.

Tulip eyes widen feeling his lips on her. She reacted by pushing him away. But he didn't budge and tighten his grip around his waist and press her against the wall while kissing her intensely. Tulip arms weaken, she is getting drunk by his touch. Her legs is getting weak, seeing this Sol hold her legs and wrap it around his waist.