Chapter 2 Part 1

At first, Rias Gremory was completely and utterly mortified as the room was filled with the sounds of her peerage members yelling. She hid her face in her hands and groaned. Not that she was actually ashamed of letting herself be so thoroughly defiled by Issei, no, Rias fully believed that giving herself to him like she had was the absolute best decision she'd made in her entire life.

But the fact that her peerage members, the young female devils who were supposed to look up to her as their Buchou, were seeing her like this… it was humiliating to be seen like this. And Issei's cock was still in her butt, as was the load of cum he'd just dropped. Still, she could feel his huge shaft finally beginning to soften. When she tried to tug away from Issei, the domineering young man let go of her hips, giving Rias silent permission to pull herself off his cock.

Even as amazing as it felt, Rias knew she had to climb off of it and explain herself to the three young women in front of her, even as they continued to shout. Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko all deserved explanations for her actions and- wait what? Rias paused abruptly, on her knees on the couch, looking down at the cushion as she actually began to LISTEN to what the other three female devils were saying.

"Rias I don't know if I can ever forgive you for this! If I had known you were going to go this route, I would have demanded to be present for the recruitment pitch! Getting to use your body to satisfy Hyoudou like this before I get a chance to feel that big thick cock in my needy little pussy! How dare you!"

"Buchou! I-I was going to offer my virginity to Issei after our next spar! To have you beat me to it… I want recompense, right now!"

"… Buchou is a meanie. Issei's cock should be shared."

It didn't matter who exactly was saying what, because it all boiled down to the same thing. And as Rias actually thought back to what they'd been shouting from the get go, she discovered it had ALWAYS boiled down to this! The three young women, members of her peerage, were all positively clamoring for Issei to fuck them next!

What the hell was going on here?! They were all talking like they'd had sexual relations with the man that she'd just brought into her peerage already! While Rias had in the back of her mind thought about sharing Issei with the other girls while he was plowing her senseless, she hadn't seen this coming! How the hell had it happened?

"Koneko?! Kiba?! AKENO?!"

The red head's shrill voice finally cut through the clamor and the shouts, silencing the three female devils before her. Three pairs of eyes looked back at her shocked face and abruptly blushed as they all realized that they'd revealed more then they probably meant to. Rias' eyes darted between her Queen, Knight, and Rook, wide and wild as she tried to figure out when the hell it had happened, HOW it had happened.

Ultimately, she decided that her best bet was just to ask them each directly. Now that they were all quiet, she could get some hell damned answers already! But who to target first? Who was the weakest link? Normally Rias would say Kiba… but her tiny Rook was looking particularly guilt and Rias couldn't help but feel a little protective due to Koneko's small size. So she started with the Nekomata, focusing her gaze on her and speaking in as kind and supportive of a tone as she could manage.

"… Koneko? How do you know Issei?"

The Nekomata's cat ears twitched and her tail swished behind her in agitation as she squirmed for a moment before finally beginning to speak, the usually quiet young girl having a surprisingly lot to say about the newest member (and the only male) of Rias' peerage.


Koneko had arrived in class late unfortunately, which meant she was stuck at the back of the class. This was not a good thing, simply because it meant she was sharing the back row with Issei Hyoudou and no one else. The young man made her feel a strange contradiction of feelings when she saw him. He had this animalistic charisma to him, but he was also definitely a pervert. Koneko didn't like perverts, yet she found herself drawn to him anyways.

Normally, she was able to resist the temptation and stay out of his orbit, keeping her head clear of whatever it was about the young man that was trying to influence her. Today though, she could do no such thing. She was forced to sit right next to Issei in a small desk, literally less than a foot away from his desk. Worse than that, there seemed to be something different about Issei this time.

The cocky smirk on his face wasn't it, that was always there. No, it was like his presence, his animalistic charisma, had been doubled, tripled, hell, even quadrupled. Koneko was flustered and flushed red within a couple minutes of sitting down and by ten minutes into the class, she was squirming in her seat, rubbing her thighs together as her pussy moistened.

The hidden devil kept her eyes on the clock hanging over the teacher's head at the front of the classroom. The seconds ticked by literally, and the world seemed to slow down to a crawl as she tried and failed to calm her body down. Then, it had gotten worse. A masculine hand had suddenly landed on her arm and it had taken all of Koneko's remaining self-control to hold back the shriek that threatened to tear free of her throat, as well as the instinctive urge to transform and shred the owner of said hand.

She kept quiet though and turned her head towards said owner. As expected, it was Issei Hyoudou who had reached out to touch her. He was the only one in the back of the room with her after all. The normally cocky man actually looked slightly concerned as she met his eyes and her own immediately dilated as the arousal ratcheted up by a factor of ten.

He was so damn alluring, so gorgeous. Koneko wanted to declare her love for the young man right then and there, but she kept herself quiet even as he leaned in closer, giving her sensitive nose a wondrous chance to take in several long draws of his heady musk.

"Koneko? Are you okay?"

He whispered it in a quiet tone so that only she heard it. The class continued on in front of them as Koneko tried to nod frantically, hoping to get him to stop touching her so she could try to calm down. Unfortunately, right as it looked like he might pull back, a mixture of a moan, mewl, and whine suddenly left her throat, escaping out of her mouth before she even saw it coming. Koneko blushed scarlet, her already red skin going even darker as she immediately glanced away from Issei.

This was undoubtedly a mistake though. It was exactly the kind of thing that would tip a pervert like him off. Glancing back almost immediately, Koneko could see how Issei's face had changed from concerned to intrigued in the span of a second. The corners of his mouth upturned into a small knowing smirk and he looked down from her face to her skirt. The petite silver haired girl could only imagine what he would see there. She could feel how dripping wet she was, honestly, the devil would have been surprised if he couldn't smell her arousal by this point.

As if Issei could read Koneko's mind, the young man breathed in sharply and his small smirk became a full blown grin, full of pearly white teeth as he let go of her ever so briefly, only to shuffle his desk closer to hers as silently as he could, closing the gap of several inches that lay between their seats and planting himself right next to her.

This had the added effect of trapping her inside the desk, a metal bar on the other side of her connecting the back of the chair to the desk. She could have climbed up out of the seat easily given her small size, but getting on top of her desk would no doubt draw the teacher's and thus the class' attention to her and Koneko knew she didn't want that.

Alternatively, the Nekomata could have slid down out of her seat and gone under her desk. In a moment of clarity though, Koneko knew that was a terrible idea, as it would put her at eye level with Issei's crotch and she wasn't sure she'd be able to resist crawling under HIS desk and doing something she was pretty sure she'd regret.

So the small silver haired girl stayed in her seat, even as Issei reached over with one hand and placed his palm on her lap, over her school uniform's short skirt. Honestly, the Kuoh Academy school uniform for girls was bordering on scandalous. It covered the ass and the crotch, but didn't even go all the way down to the knees. Issei used this fact to his advantage, only rubbing on top of her skirt for a second before slipping his hand underneath its hem and up her bare naked thigh to her panty-covered mound.

Koneko was sopping wet by this point and she saw out of the corner of her eye as Issei's grin widened upon finding this out. The young woman didn't know what to do, but she couldn't bring herself to attack the pervert. A part of her knew that she was in the presence of a larger predator and it was best to play as submissive as possible. Another part of her registered Issei as an alpha male, plain and simple. The kind of man that she should simply present herself to in order to get it over with.

Of course, that wasn't happening here. Koneko was not presenting herself to him and Issei was showing no signs of wanting to outright fuck her right there in the back of the crowded classroom. Instead, he continued to run his fingers up and down her covered pussy lips, stroking her most sensitive region through her panties as Koneko grew more and more flustered, sounds beginning to escape her throat until finally she just brought up her hands and covered her mouth to muffle the mewling and the whining and the moaning trying to leave her lips.

Issei didn't let up though, instead he pushed her panties aside with one finger and pressed the other one directly against Koneko's small slit. The petite silver haired girl's eyes widened and she came right then and there, her inevitable noises thankfully muffled by her own hands as she shook in her seat, her pussy walls clenching around Issei's pistoning digit. Issei didn't stop either; he kept fingering her right through her orgasm and then brought her to another one within ten minutes.

By the end of the class, Koneko was a dazed sticky mess. Everyone filed out of the room, even the teacher thankfully, as it was the period before lunch. That left just Issei and Koneko in the room as Issei smiled at the unresponsive young girl. Koneko just stared ahead, her eyes heavily lidded and her mouth parted slightly as she breathed in and out slowly.

That is, until she heard the sound of a bento box being opened and Issei spoke up.

"I brought too big of a lunch today Koneko. Did you want to share?"

The Nekomata devoured more than half of Issei's meal before fleeing from the young man and avoiding him for quite some time after, not out of hate or disgust, but out of fear and shame at the fact that she knew she'd want to do more with Issei if she spent any more time in his presence.


Koneko fell silent, her story finished. She looked away as everyone else in the room besides the man who had been there with her stared in abject shock. Rias eventually managed to process everything that her small Rook had just told her and internally reminded herself that Koneko was the FIRST of the three young women she had to interrogate.

Rias glanced between Kiba and Akeno for a second and after seeing the blush and the grin on Akeno's face, she focused on Kiba, her flat-chested blonde swordswomen.


The tomboy blushed but stood up straight, keeping her head held high. She cut as nice a figure as she always did in the boy's uniform she chose to wear, but the way she licked her lips and kept glancing at Issei's naked cock… that was all the woman inside of her. After starting for a long moment, Kiba finally looked her King in the eye and began to speak.