Chapter 3 Part 3

Issei was pretty sure that wasn't allowed in actual chess… but in Strip Chess, the game he'd literally just invented back in the hallway solely in the hopes that something along these lines would happen, he supposed it could be allowed. Sona Sitri, her face aflame with embarrassment, lust and arousal, stood up and took hold of the hem of her panties, slowly sliding the pure white garment down her legs and off over her feet, before standing up with the white darlings held in her hand.

Then she did something that caused gasps of shock to ring through the room. Her peerage had already been watching the last few minutes of gameplay with wide eyes and mouths agape, but when Sona Sitri stuck out her hand across the chessboard and held out her panties to Issei, it was like a bomb had gone off in the room. Issei just smiled and reached out to take the cute pair of panties being offered to him, eyeing them for a second appreciatively and then tucking them away into his pocket.

He hadn't expected this to happen so fast if he was being honest. While it had taken longer than with Rias and her peerage, he had laid quite a lot of groundwork there, while here he'd simply passed Sona in the halls a few times. Suddenly, another pair of panties was thrust into his field of view. And another after that. Issei blinked and turned away from the Student Council President as she did the same, both of them looking towards her peerage to find each girl had their panties off and were offering them up to him with deep blushes on their faces.

Issei raised an eyebrow and glanced over at Sona to gauge her reaction, but the beautiful female devil simply averted her gaze submissively, giving her tacit approval of her underlings' actions. Chuckling openly now, Issei took the offerings from the hands of the numerous young ladies. Then, the naked man, still clad only in his socks, looked over just who he had to play with. He was going to fuck them all of course, but if he was being honest, he preferred to start with two specific women in particular.

"Tsubaki. Strip naked for me, won't you? Then come stand with Sona in front of me so I can get a good look at the both of you. The rest of you can do as you like until I get around to you, but I wish for you all to be ready for me when I arrive."

Sona's Queen was quick to obey him, pulling off her school uniform and her bra to reveal a chest quite a bit larger than Sona's, Tsubaki's hair going all the way down her now naked back as she stood before him blushing. Meanwhile, Sona moved a bit slower, still incredibly embarrassed as she finally arrived at Tsubaki's side, her eyes down. Behind them, the rest of Sona's peerage quickly fell into the very debauchery that Sona had been trying to put a stop to, Issei's aura making each and every one of them give into hidden lusts and desires that even they hadn't known they had.

There was quite a lot of kissing between pretty girls going on in the background, but Issei had eyes only for Sona and Tsubaki. His cock was at full mast by this point; the way Sona had thrown the chess match at the last second and stripped off her cute school uniform piece by piece has caused him to go rock hard. His throbbing schlong pointed directly at the two girls, Issei smirked and grabbed hold of it, wagging it back and forth a couple times.

"On your knees girls. This dick isn't going to suck itself."

Tsubaki practically crashed down onto her knees in her eagerness to obey, eyes shining with undisguised NEED as she looked up at him, awestruck. Sona on the other hand, did not move. The petite naked young woman stood where she was, glancing towards the chessboard briefly.

"I… you haven't toppled my King yet Issei."

Looking behind him, Issei let out a derisive snort and barely avoided rolling his eyes as he grinned, leaning over and flicking the heavy chess piece down onto its side before his own King. When he turned back to Sona and Tsubaki, it was to find the former had taken her right and proper place on her knees next to the latter. Both girls were now eagerly awaiting his member. Stepping up to them, Issei rubbed the huge cock along their faces one after the other, drawing pitiful moans from the two young ladies. Gone was the stoicism, gone was the single-minded focus towards following rules and keeping order.

What lay in its place was pure unadulterated desire. They nuzzled his shaft on either side and Issei finally stopped moving it around, giving them his unspoken permission to begin. Both girls immediately got the message and Sona took up position at the right of his cock while Tsubaki took up position on the left, the two girls beginning to lay kisses and licks along his shaft, worshipping him through his member all the while.

Issei reached out, curling his hands into their hair, gripping down on Sona's short pixie cut and Tsubaki's long mane with the same firm grasp as he looked over their heads at the rest of Sona's peerage. Discarded pieces of the Kuoh Academy's Girl's Uniform were strewn across the room and while several had paired off to pleasure each other, left in a helpless state of arousal from prolonged exposure to Issei's musk, there were a couple who were going it solo, pleasuring themselves quite opening with multiple fingers while staring at what he was doing to their King and her Queen near the front of the room.

Not one to beat around the bush and not wanting to disappoint, Issei looked down at his two new pets and smirked.

"Good, very good. Now, Tsubaki, pay some attention to my balls will you? And Sona, open up."

There was no hesitation this time. Tsubaki pulled back and then dived under his shaft to begin licking and suckling at his balls, while Sona took hold of his massive member with both her hands and then opened her mouth as wide as she could. Issei smirked and used his grip on her short raven-black hair to pull her forward, enjoying the way her glasses began to fog up from proximity to his hot throbbing shaft, even as he pushed inch after inch of his length into her mouth, stretching her lips wide.

Sona was moaning all the way through, until he pushed past the back of her throat and began to choke her on his dick, face fucking the Student Council President right there on the floor of her place of power and authority. But she didn't resist, nor did any of her peerage make a move to stop him or help her.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Issei made sure not to go too far with things; always pulling back to give her a bit of time to breathe when he saw her eyelids beginning to flutter shut from a lack of air. Still, he was as brutal as possible as he fucked the stuck up prissy young lady's throat with gusto, taking her to the limits he could without forcing her to pass out.

The Sitri Heiress took all of it without a word of complaint, not that she had any time to actually articulate her feelings into real words, rather than moaning and gagging and slurping away at Issei's pistoning cock. When he finally felt his release approaching, Issei grunted, forcing Sona all the way down to the base of his member and knocking Tsubaki out of the way as he buried the beautiful short haired girl's face in his crotch.

Groaning deeply, Issei held here there for a long moment as she tried and failed to properly take his entire shaft down her throat without choking. His release arrived and the young man abruptly pulled out of her throat, leaving her gasping for breath even as he covered her face and chest and hair in a liberal coating of his cum, leaving a white hot sticky facial all over her upper half. Sona instinctively swallowed the bits that fell in her mouth, but as she knelt there covered in his cum, it seemed she didn't know what to do next. Tsubaki on the other hand, could apparently put two and two together.

Before Sona even knew what was happening, her Queen had tackled her to the ground and pinned her down; kissing the Sitri Heiress deeply and beginning to lick Sona clean of his seed. At the same time, Tsubaki made sure to lift her hips up into the air, showing off her fine toned ass to him in the process and shaking it back and forth enticingly. While Tsubaki was not quite as well-endowed in the ass or tits department as Rias or Akeno, Issei could certainly appreciate her cunning and mischievous nature, distracting her King so that she could endeavor to get first dibs on the cock they both wanted inside of them so desperately.

Issei could appreciate it so much that he was even happy to reward it, grinning wickedly as he knelt down behind Tsubaki between her spread legs, Sona's legs also spread even wider around Tsubaki's. He grabbed onto that firm posterior with one hand and held his cock into the other as he lined up and slowly began to slide into Tsubaki from behind, almost immediately taking her virginity in the process.

Tsubaki squealed against Sona's lips and it was only then that the Sitri Heiress realized her Queen's treachery, protesting vehemently until Tsubaki shut her up again with a deep tongue filled kiss. Sona squirmed helplessly under her friend, pinned down by both her Queen and Issei as he leaned over Tsubaki and began to fuck into her with long powerful strokes, grunting as he plowed her from behind.

For her part, Tsubaki continued to moan and groan and cry out even as she kept on monopolizing Sona's mouth with her own, until Issei took things up and notch and really began to fuck the delicious long haired devil, practically rutting Tsubaki down into her King as Sona protested but did nothing to stop it. When Tsubaki came a moment later, her pussy juices sprayed all over his pistoning shaft as well as Sona's crotch, but Issei was far from done with her at that point.

It was only after he fucked the bespectacled beauty through several more orgasms, to the point that Tsubaki had given up on keeping Sona quiet with her lips and was now just smothering her King in her pillowy tits, that Issei finally felt his second release coming. With a grunt and a growl, the draconic young man made sure to push his cock as deep into Tsubaki's womb as he could before finally filling her with a copious amount of cum. Tsubaki cried out and her pussy walls tightened in response as she climaxed one final time around his pulsating member before falling forward onto Sona all the way, pinning the skinnier girl down even further.

Sona protested vehemently, though she was clearly struggling to push her top heavy Queen off of her without hurting her. Issei chuckled and hooked his foot up under Tsubaki's hips, pushing her off of the Sitri Heiress and to the side where the insensate well-fucked young woman just lay, moaning and touching herself as she watched Issei lean over her King.

Issei grinned as he laid his mouth on Sona's, her lips rather pouty at this point from the excessive kissing and nibbling that Tsubaki had put her through. The virginal Student Council President whimpered against his kiss, but opened up all the same when he pressed his tongue against her lips. Sona Sitri was entirely submissive as he explored her mouth with his tongue, her hands up near her chest and cute little mewls escaping her throat only to be muffled by his domineering attitude.

When he finally pulled away from her, Sona was wide eyed and flustered, even more so than she'd been before. The dazed young woman panted needily through parted lips as she looked into his eyes, begging silently for him to get on with it. Issei just grinned, not quite willing to let that begging stay silent.

"Tell me who I am to you Sona Sitri."

The raven haired girl swallowed thickly, her tone rather husky as she answered him, an arousal built in her that Issei imagined she had never before experienced in her short life.

"Y-you're… my Master."

Issei's grin widened and he nodded, reaching up and pushing two fingers against her lips. Sona immediately opened up, sucking them into her maw and pressing her lips down tightly around his digits, suckling on them like a newborn. While she did so, Issei gave her his response.

"That I am. I'm your Master and that makes all of your girls, all of your peerage mine as well, doesn't it?"

Sona nodded, not willing to let go of his fingers and instead making an affirmative sound around them.


Issei glanced at Tsubaki, the freshly fucked young woman watching all of this through half closed eyes as she rested.

"Tsubaki, what am I to you?"

The long haired girl panted as she pushed herself up onto an elbow.

"You're my King's Master… which makes you my Master as well."

It was an avalanche from there. Issei didn't even have to ask it of any of the other girls in the Student Council Room as they all cried out one after the other that he was their Master as well. It showed that even the ones who had paired off were glued to the action between him and their King. Issei smirked, basking in the attention, the praise, the awe… and then he thrust home into Sona Sitri's virgin cunt, taking the no-nonsense girl right then and there as she cried out in a mixture of surprise, pain and pleasure at the sudden movement.