Chapter 7 Part 1

"Hello Rias, did you m- what the FUCK?!"

Issei let out a grunt as he looked over to the side at where the voice had come from, only mildly surprised to find someone he didn't recognize standing there staring at him and Rias in the throes of a rather passionate ass-fucking. They really needed to find a way to stop people from just magically teleporting into their private areas like this. Grayfia's interruption had turned out fine, hell it'd even been fun, but as Issei eyed the blonde devil in front of him up and down, he couldn't see a way that this smarmy looking bastard could possibly be as enjoyable as the silver haired maid.

Rias glanced over as well, finishing up a groan as Issei's big meaty cock continued to drive in and out of her big fat bubble butt. Upon seeing who it was, the red head's eyes lit up momentarily in recognition, but beyond that and a few words, her reaction was rather… muted.

"Oh… hey Riser."

Issei watched on with a raised brow as the now named devil's eyes bulged out of his skull. 'Riser' as Rias had called him looked absolutely infuriated, positively peeved if one wanted to be all alliterative about it.

"What?! 'Hey Riser'?! That's all you have to say to your fiancé Rias?! You're having sex right in front of me! You've broken the most important clause of the contract between our two families!"

This fucker was Rias' fiancé? Huh, Issei supposed he should have seen something like that coming. No, wait… the heiress he was currently butt-fucking should have SAID something. Frowning slightly, Issei brought a hand down on Rias' delectable derriere as punishing, causing her to gasp happily even as she regarded the devil watching them through hooded eyes. Riser was getting angrier and angrier as they continued to fuck despite his presence, and Rias' next words did nothing to calm him.

"Ah! F-fuck, just like that Issei… Riser, I am, mm, altering our deal. Pray that I, ooh, don't alter it any, hah, further."

A pause as even Issei goes still for a second. Then he brings his hand down on Rias' palm as the red head swiftly brings her hand up from under her to meet it. They high five right in front of the confused smarmy blonde bastard Rias is apparently meant to marry. Its clear that Riser doesn't get the reference, but Issei certainly does and he lets out a quiet chuckle before getting back to fucking his beautiful crimson haired pet's ass.

He knew introducing his harem to Star Wars was a good idea.

"W-What?! You… you can't just alter a marriage contract Rias! Not without my say!"

As Riser sputtered and stammered out his denial, Rias let out a put upon sigh and reached back to tap Issei's fingers, currently digging into her wide hips as they were. Issei grunted and sped up a bit more and within a few seconds, both he and Rias were reaching their final climaxes together, his cum filling her ass and Rias' pussy juices spraying out onto the couch they were both situated on.

Riser's eyes widened at the provocative, erotic display and the blonde devil was left speechless even as Issei pulled out of his kinky lover's butt and Rias sat up, sighing and leaning back against her Master's chest in comfort for a moment. Even with her eyes closed though, Rias seemed to know the exact moment Riser recovered enough to open his mouth once again, undoubtedly to spew more of his outrage and vitriol in their direction. Rias' own words cut right through that, stopping him before he could even begin.

"Riser. Tell me something. Have you READ our marriage contract? Because I hadn't until recently, when I met Issei here. I wanted to know just what was going on. And you're right, to be fair. There is a clause that states I must be pure on our wedding night. Its right above the one that says you have to be as well. Tell me Riser Phenex, are you a virgin?"

The blonde bastard tenses up and even though he barely understands what's going on, Issei gets this bit quite well. He looks on, increasingly amused by the exchange as Riser sputters some more. Eventually though, the devil seems to relax, coming to some sort of epiphany as a cocky smile spreads across his face.

"Of course I am Rias. But really, how would you go about proving a man's virginity one way or the other?"

Glancing at Rias, curious to hear her answer himself, Issei got to see up close the exact moment that the red head's smile turned wide and shark like. Whatever she was planning, Riser had just stepped in it somehow and now the trap was springing shut.

"And how would you go about proving a woman's Riser Phenex?"

That gets a confused look from the blonde devil.

"An intact hymen of course, that much is obvious."

Here, Rias just rolls her eyes, wide grin still in place.

"I can almost believe you are virginal Riser, or you've only ever had soft, pliant young maidens. I am the heiress to House Gremory. I grew up on an estate and I grew up in wealth. I lost my hymen horseback riding at age ten you idiot."

Issei had never seen his beautiful red haired pet so very… caustic before. It was clear that the anonymity between Rias and Riser ran deep, deep enough that the young man wondered how the hell they were still due to be wed in the first place. Surely the contract would be broken off, if this was how they treated each other. Of course, Issei had no way of knowing how much he'd changed Rias just by his very existence, both being there in that moment and just being in her life in general.

If not for Issei, Rias would never have been able to bring herself to speak to Riser this way. She would never have been so motivated to come up with a plan of attack when Riser came knocking. Reading the thousand page marriage contract front to back had not been fun, but for her Master, Rias had done it… twice, because she'd missed the obvious the first time through.

Riser was definitely not a virgin, not with his peerage, full as it was with beautiful young women of all shapes and sizes. Not when he referred to that peerage as his harem. Not when he had referred to Rias herself, within her own hearing, as his greatest conquest yet. No, Riser had undoubtedly had sex. And his horndog reputation was exactly what Rias needed to put this stupid marriage contract to rest, once and for all.

The blonde bastard had fallen silent for a brief time, but yet again he had a cocky smile on his face as he pointed a finger at her accusingly, like he'd caught her in some great lie.

"I saw you! I saw you and this zero fucking Rias! I caught you red handed, which means you definitely broke that clause in the contract and you have no way of proving I did! I've got you now!"

Issei and Rias exchanged a look as Riser literally crowed his victory.

"… He was fucking my ass Riser. Not my pussy. And the contract says nothing about anal. I checked."

That stopped the blonde dead once again as he gaped at her and Issei wide eyed. By this point, Issei was just barely managing to keep from busting a gut. His straight face was beginning to crack ever so slightly, but for the moment at least he was managing to maintain it besides the occasional twitch as he stared the blonde devil in front of him down with a piercing gaze.

Riser's mouth opened and closed like a gold fish and it truly looked like the man had short-circuited for a brief second. Eventually, he changed the subject.

"… If not the hymen, how am I to ensure your virginity, one way or the other?"

And finally, Issei had an inkling of the little trap Rias had slowly been leading her fiancé into. Rias' face split into the widest wickedest grin he'd ever seen on her as she casually ran a hand down the length of her naked body.

"The same way your own virginity would need to be ensured, in the case of such a challenge. An independent wizard would be brought in, more than likely assigned by one of the Great Satans as we are rather important young devils, you and I. The wizard would cast magic on both of us to discern our… purity."

There was amusement coloring Rias' voice as she looked knowingly at the paling blonde devil. Neither of them was pure and the two knew that quite well. More than that though, it was clear Rias would not push the issue for the same exact reason that Riser COULD not push it. If either of them accused the other of infidelity, of having sex before their wedding day, the other would be well within their rights to demand a mutual testing and in the end, both of them would be exposed and both of them would be censured.

Rias gasped as Issei's lips found her neck and she leaned into his suckling as she stared at her fiancé with triumphant eyes. Riser stared back in impotent rage, the woman who was supposed to be his greatest conquest draped naked over another man. It was infuriating to the blonde devil, how could it not be? His hands, already curled into fits, went white knuckled as his body positively vibrated in his anger.

As Issei began to get more handsy and Rias continued to look at Riser while being molested right before his eyes, Riser finally snapped.

"Rating Game!"

A pause as Rias tensed up and Issei stopped what he was doing as well. The young man lifted an eyebrow, curious at Rias' reaction. Eventually the red head said a single word in response.


Riser, seeming to think he finally found a weak spot, grinned viciously.

"I, Riser Phenex, challenge you, Rias Gremory, to a rating game. The prize shall be control over our marriage, or lack thereof. If you win, I will agree to dissolve the contract. However, WHEN I win, you will marry me immediately! Accept this challenge, unless you're too scared. You can't hide behind this two bit reincarnated devil forever Ri-!"

"I accept."

Rias cut Riser off, but Issei wasn't nearly as amused by the smarmy blonde bastard anymore. Two bit? The dragon within Issei was rising up in anger, and that didn't mean Ddraig. A low growl built in Issei's throat but it was quiet enough that only Rias heard it. She placed a hand on his chest, a nonverbal request to let her handle this. Issei wasn't sure that he truly could.

"I'm happy to compete against you in a rating game Riser. How long do you think you and your peerage will need in order to prepare?"

The Phenex Heir was smirking as Rias agreed to the bout, but he was taken aback at that last bit.

"How long will WE need to prepare? My peerage is always ready for combat Rias. Rather, I should be offering you some extra time to train, shouldn't I? With so few in your peerage and so little quality, it doesn't even seem like a fair fi-!"

"Tomorrow then, if you say you'll be ready then."

Once again Rias overrides Riser. Issei finally understands just how deep his red head beauty's plan went. Layers upon layers, traps upon traps. She intended to use him to defeat Riser and his peerage wholesale. And it would undoubtedly work too. If he was strong enough to subdue Grayfia Lucifuge, Issei couldn't possibly see how he would ever be beaten by anything that this blonde bastard could hope to field.

It was quite cunning of Rias. He hadn't known the buxom heiress had it in her, but apparently she did. He should probably have felt more 'used' but all Issei could feel at this moment was pride for how his pet had gone about maneuvering Riser into this trap. And even now the blonde bastard didn't see what was coming thanks to his ignorance and prejudice. While taken aback by Rias' proclamation, Riser didn't see the writing on the wall. He refused to acknowledge Rias' confidence and instead viewed it in a… different way. Smiling, Riser flicked his gaze over to Issei, making eye contact with the young man for the first time since his arrival.

"I see now Rias. This one, he has some sort of leverage over you doesn't he? You want me to beat you in this rating game so that I can handle him for you. Well, I don't really like being used, nor do I like used goods. For a beautiful flower like you though, I suppose I can make an exception. Tomorrow it is."

Rias' smile was brittle as she nodded her head in agreement. Probably because of how hard Issei was gripping her hips at this point. Riser looked like he was about to leave, but the draconic young man resting beneath the buxom crimson haired beauty that the Phenex Heir wanted so badly wasn't inclined to let that happen just yet. Rias was abruptly lifted up and set down as Issei stood, his half-hard cock swinging free between his legs as he squared off in front of the blonde bastard.

"Oi, chicken shit!"