His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam has delivered almost 20,000 hours of recorded talks till date. As part of the talks, He shares simple small stories that give powerful cognitive shifts to the listener. Following is one such story:
Three monkeys once found a ripe, juicy mango. Like all monkeys, they fought over the mango for a while. Then somehow, they had a moment of clarity, a moment of intelligence.
Instead of eating the mango right away, they decided to sow the mango. They knew that once the mango seed sprouted and grew into a tree, there would be more than enough mangoes for all three of them.
Each of them decided to take up one part of the task of caring for the mango
The first monkey said, 'I will water the plant every day!'
The second monkey said, 'I will keep the soil healthy and rich, add fertilizers
and ensure that the plant grows well.'
The third monkey said, 'I will guard the plant carefully and protect it from harsh
weather and other animals.'
One month passed, then two, then three. There was no sign of any plant growing out of the soil. The three monkeys called for an urgent meeting to discuss the issue.
The first monkey declared, 'As promised, I have been watering the seed every single day.'
The second monkey cried, 'As promised, I have been adding fertilizer and making the soil rich.'
The third monkey said, 'As promised, I have been guarding the seed very carefully. Not only that, I have been taking the seed out every single day to check whether it has sprouted or not!'
If you are greedy for instant results, you actually prevent the process from settling down in your system. You yourself block the whole process.