(His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam has delivered almost 20,000 hours of recorded talks till date. As part of the talks, He shares simple small stories that give powerful A cognitive shifts to the listener. Following is one such story.)
Let you be very clear, you can never help yourself by creating guilt. Is there a single person who says, 'No, I changed myself by creating guilt'? Never! You might have stopped expressing the guilt attitude. You might have stopped doing that act for which you feel guilty. But unless you get to the root of guilt and work, it does not leave your system completely. Only the symptoms change.
A doctor asks a patient, 'You came to me with the complaint that you are hearing a telephone ringing sound in your ears. How do you feel after the medicine?'
The patient says, 'Oh, after the medicine I get only engaged tone!'
The ring tone may change into the busy signal. It does not mean the signal has disappeared
Vedic social system vs Politics based system
The society which is created based on power and politics, by business people and politicians naturally will have techniques only to keep people in guilt. They need to control, so they will put people in guilt. Only through guilt people can be easily controlled. But the social system created by enlightened masters helps people to be liberated and move towards more and more expression of freedom. Understand the big difference between the society created by enlightened masters and the social structure created by politicians and businessmen.
In the system created by the masters, they constantly give you confidence. Even when you fail, they say, 'No, don't worry. Just because you committed a sin, you are not a sinner. Committing a sin is different, being a sinner is different.' There is no word 'sinner' used to address people in the ancient vedic system of enlightened masters. They address human beings as amrutasya putraha* or Sons of Immortality! You are complete as you are
A small story:
A disciple goes to a master asking, 'Master, how can I become free? How can I attain liberation?'
The master asks him, 'Who has imprisoned you?'
The disciple replies, 'Nobody.'
The master asks, 'Where are the chains to bind you?'
The disciple replies, 'I have no chains.'
The master says, 'Then what are you trying to be free from?'
Just look at animals. You cannot find guilt in any animal. It just is. It has no ideals, no perfectionist attitudes and no discontent. That is why it is beautiful and innocent. But in the case of man, he always has an image of how everything should be, including himself, his family, situations, society - everything. He is always yearning to be what he is not.
This can be healthy and unhealthy. When you are yearning to actualize your potential, it is a healthy yearning. But most of the time we yearn to achieve only based on the ideas society imposes on us and the ideas we borrow from others.
Once you are caught in these imposed desires and ideals, you can never relax and enjoy the journey of life. You will always be discontented. And the more dissatisfied you are with yourself, the more it becomes impossible to reach your ideal. It is a vicious circle.
Amrutasya putraha - A scriptural statement from Shvetashvatara Upanishad that says: Shrunvantu Vishve Amrutasya Putraha that means 'You are the child of immortality', that all human beings are divine.
In the soil of dissatisfaction the seed of intelligence, spontaneity cannot grow. You become like the horse with blinders, with a narrow vision of how you think things should be. If you are not dissatisfied with yourself, if you accept yourself as you are, what you really need can be fulfilled here and now. Society teaches you constantly that you are not complete. It induces in you a fear,an inferiority complex so you will not be confident and independent. Then your intelligence gets suppressed and you follow the rules put down by society.
You are already what you can be. All you need to do is just relax and let the energy of Existence flow through you. If you are caught in bettering yourself, you cannot relax. You will be tense and always anxious that you are lacking in some way. True religion says you are complete as you are. How else can you be when you have emerged itself from fulfillment? Man as such has emerged from fulfillment. So his very nature is fulfillment. This is what is implied in the great declarations such as
Tat tvam asi – That Art Thou, Aham Brahmasmi – I am Brahman*
You are complete and you are total. You don't have to reach anywhere since you are already there. You don't have to become something because you are already that. It is just a question of waking up to this Truth.