(His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam has delivered almost 20,000 hours of recorded talks till date. As part of the talks, He shares simple small stories that give powerful A cognitive shifts to the listener. Following is one such story.)
A small story:
A man was asked, 'Do you believe in luck?'
He replied, 'Of course! How else do you explain the success of people that you don't like!'
Just by condemning the object of jealousy, you will not be liberated from jealousy itself because the moment you start condemning another person, it means that there is a wound inside you that you are trying to cover up, knowingly or unknowingly.
By condemning the object of jealousy, you might be liberated from that particular object of jealousy, but you will simply get fixed on another object of jealousy, that's all! It is like saying 'sour grapes' and moving on to another vineyard! So, trying to overcome the object of jealousy is not the solution. You need to work on the subject, that is, you.
The sage Patanjali* , the father of yoga* says, 'When somebody is blissful, feel blissful and friendly.' The secret is that bliss is a quality that belongs to everyone. That is there for anyone to share, just like a flower's fragrance spreads choicelessly and is available for everyone, like a beautiful sunrise that is there for anyone to enjoy, or like a beautiful piece of music available to everyone! You canchoose to tune into bliss, and that is all that is needed to experience it!
Patanjali – A sage of ancient India and author of Yoga Sutras, which is the foundation of modern day yoga.
Yoga - Literally means 'uniting' of body-mind-spirit.