Limitless Potential


A head was smoothly severed from its neck and droppd to the ground with a thump. It was a successful surprise attack. The Oni couldn't even defend itself as it's already too late by the time it noticed her in the back. If she had been any later, or the attack missed, the Oni might have screamed out to call the other the nearby monsters. 

『 Level 38 Oni has been slain! 』

After collecting the dropped item from the dead monster, she swiftly disappeared into the shadow to search for another prey. It seems an Oni was a rare monster as she couldn't find another one, so she instead targeted a group of Orcs currently fighting with three fierce wolfs. It isn't strange that she saw them fighting as in the end, they aren't from the same monster ideology, the Orc and Fierce Wolf. They aren't united under the same banner even if they are created by the system.