Episode 51-Never stare at the Abyss

The butcher stood 50 meters across me as he stared at me. I was breathing quite heavily from running around so much. I can't cover his vision any more, and the only possible way to stop him now is to stab his eyes.

But climbing something that is 8 meters tall and attempting to stab his eyes while expecting not retaliation, is not really realistic. I looked around to see if there was any way possible. Soon I noticed something. I ran towards where 2 bodies were lying 4 meters apart. The butcher seeing me run smiled, as he ran after me. I ran past the bodies and kept on running as he slowly caught up with me. Just when he was about to catch me I heard a loud noise.

I turned around to see the butcher face planted onto the ground after slipped from the puddle of blood, faeces and urine excreted from the previous two dead people.

Without wasting my chance, I ran back to him where his eyes were. Noticing me running towards him and knowing what I was planning he only had enough time to close his eyes. But that didn't stop the sharp 20 cm dagger from piercing his eyes. I didn't stop as I took the dagger of the dead man on the floor as I stabbed it towards his other eye.

The butcher was wailing and thrashing in pain, unable to open his eyelids nor take the weapon out of his eyes. While this was happening, the crowd was screaming and cheering out loud.

I moved out of his way to the opposite corner of the arena.

After enduring the pain and thrashing for a minute he stood up angrily. He felt for his cleaver which dropped from him when he slipped. He found it after few seconds.

Now only 1 minute 30 seconds remained.

He started to widely swing the cleaver hoping he got me. But unfortunately for him, I was nowhere near him. Seeing the situation many of the other participants got hopeful and moved away from him.

He tried to listen for use, but amidst the cheering and shouting of the crowd, he could hear nothing.

So, he walked everywhere while swinging the giant cleaver madly, while we made sure to walk the opposite way he was.

This carried on until finally, the timer reached '0'. Suddenly everything froze and started to wrap and distort like before. I closed my eyes feeling dizzy.

After a while I opened them to notice I was in the same white room I was in, before I got transported to the colosseum.

I laid back down on the floor intending to rest after the tired and exhaustive test. Soon I realised something strange, I was not feeling tired or exhausted. It was as if I was fully energised and active.

What is happening?

Suddenly I noticed the screen in front of me as I opened my eyes to look at my body. The screen had lots of line written down.


Fully restored after Mission


Main Mission completed


Rewards gained 1 points


Completed an Easy difficulty scenario – 1 point


I was lost at what was happening. But I understood one thing that I got healed by the whispers. Suddenly the whisper came back as it said, "You shall get as much as you give."

Suddenly the screen in front of me disappeared only to be replaced by another screen.








I was confused on what to do, while the whisper suddenly started laughing followed by loudly screaming. Everything suddenly quieted down after their screams, while the room suddenly turned dark, except for the 1 meter around me. I got freaked out from the sudden erratic behaviour of the whispers and the changes happening.

"You seem confused and scared." A deep voice suddenly sounded behind me.

I turned around quickly to see no one behind me.

"I am behind you." Said the voice into my ear.

I turned around again to see no one there. I started getting terrified at this strange event.

"How will you see me when I am always behind you? Even when you turn to look for me, I will be behind you." The same voice whispered into my ear.

I started panicking not knowing what to do. I could feel my heart beating loudly as I started sweating.

Even though I just faced a giant monster this voice was much scarier. As it was said fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of all.

"Who are you?" I asked in a trembling voice.

"Me? I am nothing but an observer, who likes to watch my puppets dance." Said the voice from behind me.

"Show yourself then?" I said as I quickly turned around suddenly to see if I could see the source of the voice. Only to see the empty darkness.

"Are you sure?" Said the voice as he breathed a cold breath into my ear. I felt a chill as I got goosebumps.

"Yes please" I shouted as I turned around and moved away from where I stood. Suddenly I noticed something; there was a white light of 1 meter around me wherever I moved, pushing the surrounding darkness back.

"Very well" I turned around to the voice, to see a tall slim man enshrouded in black. The black surrounding him seemed to have a different colour compared to the black in the surrounding.

I looked at his face only to suddenly have whispers and screams roaring through my head. My head felt like it was going to burst if I looked any longer. I fell down in pain and screamed. "It hurts. Ahhh"

*Snap* Suddenly I heard a snap. "I asked you if you were sure, and you said you were." I suddenly felt the pain and whisper leaving me, as I felt a warm liquid from my nose and ears, which seemed to be blood while breathing heavily as if I did a heavy exercise.

I didn't dare look at him again, fearing the same thing could happen again. "Who.. are..you..really?" I asked while trying to catch my breath in between.

"Like I told you I am just an observer, who likes to watch my puppets dance. But for simplicity sake which you want, although I hate to be compared to those weaklings, you can think of me like the deities you know." I suddenly felt shocked when I realised I was in the presence of a god.

I feared what he might do next for the way I behaved towards him. I prostrated myself in front of him.

Suddenly I remembered a word he said a moment ago. 'Weakling' Did he call the almighty deities weakling? Does that mean he is someone who is more powerful than the gods?

"Forgive me, my lord. Punish me for not recognising that I was in your presence oh mighty one." I said as I was still prostrated before him.

"Just talk to me normally, I am not like those idiots. If I had wanted fear and respect I would have taken that from the whole world ages ago." He said as I slowly felt a force lifting me up, forcing me to look at him.

I was scared to look at him, but I couldn't control my body. Suddenly I saw that he was covered in white smoke, through which you could barely identify his silhouette. "I made it easier for you so that you won't die when you look at me."

"What should I call you my lord?" I asked in fear and respect as I bowed my head as soon I felt the force that lifted me up leave me.

"Hmm, name? Hearing my true name will kill you. So, you can call me Fake."