Arcadia Temple

The small raid group was gathered together on Glory island. In attendance were the members of Inferno with the addition of Mina, Milat, and Shae. A few last-minute changes meant that Semmi would accompany the fire team. There had been some fire gear mixed in with the loot from the Gladis hub, Jun Li had decided that Semmi would give them some much-needed scout abilities.

Mina squeezed Nix's hand, she had argued with Jun Li over not being part of the Acolyte team. In the end, it was decided that her Vilas would be more effective in the temple courtyard helping to hold back the reinforcements. "I can send a few Vila to protect you."

Nix shook his head, "I want you to use them to protect yourself." He was wearing turtle under armor underneath his Salamander suit. He had found an Aquatic ring that had the same qualities as his aquatic gear, thanks once again to the crafters of the Gladis Hub.