Death of the Arsonist

"This is Vic Hjari reporting live at the Gladis News Conference in Syracuse, New York. Gladis Corp has just dropped a major bombshell. Nicholas Phire, AKA Phoenix Phire has been reported as one of the victims of this accident."

Cora was trying to read the teleprompter while listening to her producer talk in her ear. "What was Phoenix Phire doing at the Gladis Corp facility? He was supposed to be doing time at Rikers Island."

Vic shook his head in disbelief. "A misfiled piece of paperwork resulted in him being placed with the Contracted workers from Gladis Corp."

"Unbelievable. Do we know what VR world he was working in?"

Vic nodded, "According to Gladis Corp, he was never assigned a VR job. He's been in a VR confinement area for the past few months while Gladis Corp was trying to fix the mistake."

"Amazing Vic, and the cause of the accident?"