Gemini Nemesis (part two)

Nix's aura fluctuated from silver to emerald flames. The silver flames announced their arrival like a flashbulb, they would linger for a half minute before darkening to emerald again.

"Silver is the higher flame Nix. according to Severance, you need to choose one to dispell." Fajii stood next to him, holding his hand while watching the colors change back and forth.

Nix nodded while gritting his teeth, "I'm going to focus on pushing the emerald flames away."

An instant later, a wave of emerald flames exploded outwards from the altar. The flames surrounding Nix turned lighter. Fajii placed both hands on his chest, ignoring the flames that licked at her arms, she used Scorched Earth to push the Emerald flames away from the silver. The flames started out mostly mixed together, but as pockets of the same flames flowed together when the accumulation had reached a certain point, the effect would be a massive wave of flames.