Dragon Slayer (part one)

Nix has activated his bloodline.

[Third Form: Archon]

Nix summoned his scimitar and pushed Ice Flames into the blade.


Nix has slain a hell hound.

[Flight of the Gryphon]

Nix appeared next to the Nether creature and slammed him in the face with the spiked guard of his weapon. He didn't recognize the type of Nether creature but he understood the class.

/Inferno: Nix: Can you charm this guy Ducky? He's some sort of pet class, these are all part of his stable.


Ducky has convinced Hrazi to take up your cause and fight for Inferno.

Hrazi looked like the result of a bad science experiment. He had natural plated armor like an armadillo but with the arms and legs of a human. He was thin and walked bent over like an old man. All of the hellhounds in his stable stopped fighting when he fell under Ducky's influence.