
The small building filled up relatively quickly. Nix stared at the list in front of him, he only had three people who worked for him. "Which one of you is Laird?"

A middle-aged man with salt and pepper hair raised his hand. "That would be me, sir."

"You are tasked with running the Quarry? Why is it currently closed?

"On account of the spiders. Large man-sized spiders that attack the workers. We had to close it three months ago after two workers were killed."

"Three months?" Nix glanced at his budget sheet. Scarlett had been providing the funds for this place since the settlement was first built. "Where're my six hundred credits?"

Laird stared at him for a moment, his face showing confusion. "Six hundred credits?"

"You haven't worked in three months, yet you were paid two hundred credits per month. Should I pay you for doing nothing?"

Laird's face turned red. "What could I do? Am I supposed to fight spiders?"