Elementia (part three)

Gideon swore under his breath. "The city has been taken over by an Ice Nemesis named Bhalachi?"

Artemis nodded. "The earth spirits that serve as city guards are a hold-over from Hierophant, the Earth Dragon."

"F*ck." Gideon knew that if Nix were here, he'd know exactly what all of this meant. "How does Bhalachi control the Earth Spirits?"

Artemis shrugged her bare shoulders. "I was invited here by Hierophant many years ago. He gave me dominion over these woods. Although, as you've seen, the occasional straggler from the city does make their way here."

"I need to enter the city." Gideon kept his face expressionless; without a doubt, she held the key to getting him in.

Artemis's lips curved into a slight smile. "You would join your friend's battle? From what you've said, he had been brought here to deal with things."

Gideon nodded in agreement. "I would."