Mocai: Intro to the Thieves Guild

Wind banked his Daiken in an attempt to match the speed of Nix's mount. The Inferno Leader's mount was a Shadow Daiken, slightly larger and faster than the normal Daiken that the rest of Inferno had.

/Alpha: Wind: Can't you slow that thing down a bit?

/Alpha: Nix: I'm flying with the brakes on as it is.

/Alpha: Semmi: So... What happened at the Nix ranch last night?

/Alpha: Nix: Nothing really... Why do you ask?

/Alpha: Semmi: No reason; Raine seemed a bit out of sorts when we picked you up.

/Alpha: Nix: I made her breakfast, perhaps she didn't like it.

/Alpha: Wind: Did Pon opt-out of this mission?

/Alpha: Semmi: No, stealth isn't his thing. Besides, he's going to scout out potential temple acquisitions with Junie.

/Alpha: Nix: Just the five of us.

/Alpha: Wind: Five? Who else is coming? Fajii?

/Alpha: Nix: Del and Soup.