Goralpri (part two)

The sturdy set of double doors burst inward in an explosion of flame and wood. The charred remains of three guards were the only occupants of the large warehouse besides Alpha team. A second disturbance that echoed with the shattering of glass announced the arrival of Ronnie and Bali. The two ranged fighters stood leisurely on a catwalk that extended around the interior of the building.

/Hotness: Bali: A dozen guards are closing in on... Eleven guards are... Nine guards- HEY!

/Hotness: Ronnie: What?

/Hotness: Bali: Could you stop shooting long enough for me to report properly?

/Hotness: Ronnie: Sure, sorry, Bal.

/Hotness: Bali: Six guards are closing on our position from the courtyard.

Nix nodded and searched the nearest body. A quick cut through the dead guard's melted armor confirmed his suspicion. He held up the dragon scale that had been covering the heart of the corpse.

/Hotness: Semmi: Tainted.

/Hotness: Ronnie: We'll check the courtyard bodies.